We are pleased to share with you Joint Communication 06 2020 with more information about the next editions of the Academy. The Academy is a…
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Keep up to date with what is going on in Guiding and Scouting in the European Region!
With this reminder, the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) would like to draw your attention to the approaching deadline set to receive declarations…
We reached the third month of the global pandemic and with this the third month of Scouting under very special circumstances. We continue to be…
In its efforts to continuously seek funding to support our priorities and activities at National and Regional levels, the Region is pleased to share with…
During the first months of the Coronavirus emergency, we all experienced major changes in our lives, as people and as Scouts. Most NSO/NSAs had to…
This message is adressed to International Commissioners, as well as Chief Executives, Programme Commissioners and Communication Officers of Member Organisation of WOSM in the European…