Chers amis du scoutisme et du guidisme en Europe, Nous sommes ravis de partager la première communication de la 18e Conférence européenne du guidisme et…
Keep up to date with what is going on in Guiding and Scouting in the European Region!
Chers amis du scoutisme et du guidisme en Europe, Nous sommes ravis de partager la première communication de la 18e Conférence européenne du guidisme et…
Dear Friends in Scouting and Guiding in Europe, We are excited to share the first communication for the 18th European Guide and Scout Conference (18EGSC)!…
Arianna, a 25-year-old from Rimini, Italy, has embraced Scouting early. Starting her journey at 12, she was active in her local groups in Rimini and…
The awaited University on Youth and Development 2023, took place from 18 to 23 September at CEULAJ. Facilitated by the North-South Centre of the Council…
Empowering Young Women and Bracing Change Beyond Borders – Join Jojo on her new adventure as a facilitator representing WAGGGS! In the bustling city of…
The 38th WAGGGS World Conference will take place on 26th to 31st of July 2023 in Cyprus. Many European delegations, staff members and working groups…