European Scout Region List of Events: Update July 2020

The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share with you an update of the list of upcoming events for the second half of 2020, and 2021.

In view of the current public health situation and as agreed by the European Scout Committee and the World Scout Bureau Europe Support Centre, events will be organised in digital form until further notice.

Subject to further developments, there may be some changes concerning events currently listed, but it was felt important to share a comprehensive list as soon as possible to assist in your planning.We invite you all to monitor Regional Circulars as well as event notices on WE Connect (, our website managed in partnership with WAGGGS, as well as on our Facebook page (

For more information, please check Regional Circular 09 2020 and a more detailed overview to learn more about each of the planned events, including a short description and the intended target audience.
