Sharing is Caring

Sharing is caring: WAGGGS is working to grow quality of the youth experience!

Europe Region WAGGGS in collaboration with all other regions is designing a tool on how to apply the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting educational method to the Rovers and Rangers age group.

Following motion 17 of WoCo, and as part of the follow up of Roverway 2018, we are writing a tool on educational method in the Rovers and Rangers age group. The target is MOs at national level and it aims to increase the quality of the programme for this age. The tool will be translated in the 4 WAGGGS official languages.

We will take a global picture of this programme, looking how context can shape the same principles to better answer to girls needs and we’ll highlight commonalities between different programmes. We’ll collect good practices, also looking at processes used to renew this programme.

We will interview some MOs to have more in depth learning:

Did you recently (last 6-8 years) renewed your programme? Let us know! We would like to spend some time with you to learn about the process you used, and if you can already see an impact on R&R satisfaction and retention.

Are you particularly proud of how the programme for this age group is truly learner led and offers a REAL (relevant, exciting, accessible, learner led) experience? We would love to learn from you too!

This project is financed by an E+ grant of the European Union.

Questions? Send an email to Sarah


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