UPDATE on Joint Work by WOSM and WAGGGS in Europe

The European Regional Committees of WAGGGS and WOSM are pleased to share with you the below updates on Joint Work: 

  • Firstly, we are excited to circulate the European Jamboree 2020+1 Report which can provide you with useful recommendations for the future, especially for large-scale events. Even though there was an unexpected outcome to this journey, the European Jamboree was ready to host 21600 people – representatives of 69 countries or 85 NSOs/MOs. The Jamboree empowered young people who are campaigning against climate change and for a sustainable future. The event strengthened cooperation between the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS and showed how vibrant our Movements are.
    We take this opportunity here again to thank Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego (ZHP) and all the staff and volunteers who took part in this journey for their dedication and amazing achievements which, thanks to this report, can and will benefit many others moving forward.
  • Secondly, we are pleased to invite you for a Joint Campfire to present the contact tool from the German Guide and Scout Federation, arising from the initiative around “Go Scout Go Guide Abroad“. The Joint Campfire will take place on 18 May 2021 at 19h00 CEST. The main goal of the tool is to facilitate contacts between local Guide and/or Scout Groups to plan international exchanges. More information can be found in annex 1.
  • Finally, we are preparing for the next edition of Roverway in 2024. If you are interested in hosting this unique opportunity for young people, we remind you to send your application by email, to europe@wagggs.org AND europe@scout.org by 30 June 2021. (for further details, please refer to Joint Communication 02 2021.

We look forward with resilience and confidence to continue inspiring young people.

The European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS
Geneva & Brussels, 28 April 2021

