The Road from Oslo to Split

Reflecting on the past three years, a lot of work has been done together, and a lot of progress has been made in our respective and joint missions to serve young people in our Region. The reporting on the activities and events we delivered in the past term are a testament to the hard work of our volunteers and staff and their dedication to our Members.

Like the rest of our lives, we have had our successes and challenges, agreements and disagreements, tears and laughter – but we believe that this has made us stronger and better placed to look ahead to the future.

The true value of Joint Work is not only events and activities – but it is based on the shared values that place our young members at the centre of everything we do. We thank you for your support throughout our journey and wish you well for what comes next.

We would like to recognise all who have contributed to the Joint Work of the two Regions – Committee Members, key volunteers, our staff and not least, all our Member Organisations across our regions. Nothing would be possible without the goodwill and active participation of all – thank you all so much.

Marjolein and Kevin
Europe Committee WAGGGS and the European Scout Committee of WOSM

*taken from the Report on the Memorandum of Understanding between WAGGGS and WOSM 2016-2019 presented at the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference Split, Croatia 24-28 August 2019

Here’s a flavour of some of the joint work undertaken during the last three years … and a chance to see the people behind the projects and activities!

