Roverway 2024 will take place in Norway. The jamboree is divided into two parts. From 22nd July 2024, the participants will gather in smaller groups…
Content tagged with WAGGGS

Empowering Young Women and Bracing Change Beyond Borders – Join Jojo on her new adventure as a facilitator representing WAGGGS! In the bustling city of…

Join the WAGGGS Europe External Relations Team for a panel discussion on how WAGGGS and their Member Organisations adjusted their educational programme and how the…

Join us this November at The Academy – a unique Scout and Guide event designed to provide participants with high quality training and networking opportunities…

With the start of the new triennium just a couple of months away, WAGGGS Europe Region have just announced their call for volunteers for 2020-22.…

We are very happy to invite you to the second Head of Contingent Meetings for the European Jamboree 2020 ACT. The upcoming HoC Meeting will…