These days we are seeing many of the Member Organisations and National Scout Organisations in European regions of WAGGGS and WOSM having to take measures in light of COVID-19. We are happy to see that our members are taking reasonable and protective measures to stay true to our scout and guide values to protect and help others where we can. This can be difficult, as lots of hard work and planning went into activities that are now being cancelled or postponed. We encourage you to continue referring to the advice shared by public health authorities in your countries and show leadership in the applications of these measures.
We see many examples of Member Organisations of WAGGGS and of National Scout Organisations of WOSM which are helping local communities, volunteering, planning digital activities and ensuring that official information from national authorities are shared widely. We would like to say a big thank you for all your work and dedication.
In these difficult times always remember that you are part of an international movement and you have friends all over Europe and the world who support you. We would like to give you inspiration through Olave Baden-Powell’s words which she shared in her last message to the Guide and Scout Movements in 1973: “I trust that you will continue fully to use the system of work and play that our Movements provide, keeping up the fun and the friendships made at your meetings and in camps (…). In that way you will not only advance yourself in body, mind and spirit, but you will affect those around you, in doing what is honourable and right and wise, and in giving out kindness of thought and action, thus striving against all ills and helping to make the world a happier and a better place in which to live.”
We as your European Committees of WAGGGS and WOSM encourage you to continue to do exactly that: show kindness and solidarity with each other, protect each other and celebrate the international friendship we have through Guiding and Scouting. Be creative and share the Guiding and Scouting spirit virtually.
Yours in Guiding and Scouting,
Europe Committee WAGGGS and European Scout Committee of WOSM
17 March 2020