INVITATION – Diversity Brunch April 2021: Active Listening, Dialogue and Inclusive DNA

The Diversity & Inclusion Team of the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to invite you to join our Diversity Brunch, which will take place digitally on Saturday, 10 April 2021, from 11h00 to 14h30 CEST. Make sure to register before 5 April 2021.

Objectives and Programme
Have you heard a lot about dialogue but are not actually sure what we mean, its qualities or how to maximise its potential? Join our Diversity Brunch to learn more about the principles of dialogue, the importance of listening and how to utilise these skills to increase our Diversity and Inclusion dimension.

Human Rights, Leaving no one Behind, and Mental Health are familiar phrases we have heard throughout the pandemic and Scouting plays a significant role in responding to and upholding values linked to challenges presented in these areas. The D&I Regional Team will start exploring key themes and priorities to help keep inclusion active and on our agendas in 2021.

Then we will visit our Human Library – to read the “books”, “books” which are humans, humans with diverse, interesting, thought provoking stories to tell. Applying listening skills, you will have the safe space to explore their personal stories and then the opportunity to ask questions to learn more about the important messages they have to share.

The titles of our books are: 

  • The even more marginalized – My mission to ensure we leave no one behind!
  • Anxiety, depression and getting help – my personal journey.
  • Born Free and Equal – The role of Human Rights in inclusion
  • Spirituality during a crisis – what, how and its importance!

Finally, there will be the time for everyone to join a Dialogue Café on the topics explored in the Human Library. A dialogue cafe creates a safe space, where dialogue is facilitated between people from all walks of life, across the world, to address social issues, perceptions, ideas and challenges.

Target Audience
The Diversity Brunch is for members of your National D&I team, leaders working on D&I projects/impact, leaders and adult volunteers, as well as Rovers (aged 16 and older). So basically, all who are interested in the power of peace education delivered through dialogue in a diverse world.

You do not have to be an expert. Come and meet us with your own experiences and those of your NSO or NSA. We want to dive deeper into understanding self, to then help understand others – overall, to improve active inclusion, to remove barriers to participation, and to meet the diverse needs of our communities.

At the end of the Diversity Brunch, you will feel that your understanding of dialogue has improved, you will have a broader international perspective, and you will be ready to apply new skills to increase D&I in your context.

How to Register
The Diversity Brunch will take place digitally on Saturday, 10 April 2021, from 11h00 to 14h30 CEST. Make sure to register before 5 April 2021. Once you have done so, you will receive a confirmation email containing relevant information about how to join the meeting, which will be hosted on ZOOM.
