Draft Memorandum of Understanding for Review

Dear friends,

During the update we gave at the International Commissioners’ Forum in Serbia in February 2019, we shared that the next step for the new agreement between the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM would be a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that would be shared with our Member Organisations for feedback.

Following the Joint Committee Meeting which took place in Croatia two weeks ago, where we agreed on the basic principles that would be in the MOU, we are pleased to share with you the draft document that has been agreed upon by both Regional Committees:

As promised, the new MOU is a simplified version of the previous one, including elements from the previous annexes. This allows us to commit to the shared values and principles of our two organisations and to the joint work which we believe will have the required impact on the young people we strive to support.

As you know, making the MOU operational will be a key responsibility of the two Committees. Already we are working on updating the framework which will facilitate this.

We welcome your feedback on this next step of our partnership together. You may send them to either of the Regional Offices (WOSM Europe, WAGGGS Europe) or through your Committee Contact.

Yours in Guiding and Scouting,

Marjolein Sluijters & Kevin Camilleri
European Committee WAGGGS & European Scout Committee of WOSM

(Joint Communication 04 2019)
