Call for Planning Team Members and invitation to the 23rd European Scout Conference and the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference

The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is happy to join Savez izvidaca Hrvatske (the Croatian Scout Association) to invite National Scout Organisations (NSOs) to participate in the 23rd European Scout Conference and additionally, with our colleagues in the Europe Region WAGGGS, to participate in the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference. The events will take place in Split, Croatia, from 24 to 28 August 2019.

The Committee’s message contained in Regional Circular 25 2018 has the following three elements:

  1. Information about the European Conferences
  2. Call for members of the planning team for the European Scout Conference
  3. Raising awareness of the need for diverse and competent nominations for the elections to the European Scout Committee

Please note that the deadline for nominations of candidates for the Conference Planning Team (point 2 above) is 1 November 2018.
