Call for volunteers: Are you an Expert in Educational Methods for Rovers and Rangers? WAGGGS Europe wants you!

Call for Volunteers

Sharing is Caring: make a difference on the GGGS Rovers and Rangers Educational Method.

The Europe Region WAGGGS is looking for a group of volunteers who are passionate about the Girl Guide and Girl Scout educational method and ensuring that all age groups within Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting experience a high-quality programme of relevant and engaging content.

In this role, you will support the development of a publication to share good practices and to develop a set of guidelines on how the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting method can be applied to the Rovers and Rangers age group.


  • an average of 4 hours of work per week from January to July
  • attending a 4 days event from 15 to 19 May 2019, called Sharing is Caring.

Deadline: 4 January 2019

For detailed information, please:

  • Download the call in English: 

    RW18 call for sharing is caring EN


  • Download the call in French: 

    RW18 call for sharing is caring FR
